WASCA TN DRDA- Ramanathapuram

WASCA TN: Composite Water Resources Management Works linkage with Climate Vulnerability Area, Climate Vulnerability Indicator,SDG&INDC

Sno Name of the Work Climate Vulnerability Area No of Works Identified CWRM Climate Vulnerability Index Impacting (WASCA TN) SDG Goals India's NDC
Water Action 1: Improvement of  Public & Common Lands Development
1 Afforestation in Public/common lands (Ha) Climate, Water Resource and socio-economic              11,217 C1,C2.C3, W3,S2 SDG 1, 2,6,13&15 1) To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 through additional forest and tree cover by 2030
2 Contour Continuous Bunds (CCB) for Afforestation area (Mts) Water Resource              43,894 W3 SDG 1,2, 6,13&15

1) To better adapt to climate change by enhancing investments in development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change, particularly water resource

2)To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 through additional forest and tree cover by 2030                                                                                                                                       

3 Composting (Nos) Water Resources              11,931 W1 SDG1& 6
4 Drainage Line Treatment (DLT) (Mts) Water Resource              23,248 W1,W3,W4 SDG1 & 6
5 Silvi-pasture Development (ha) Agriculture, Climate and Socio-economic                   191 C1,C2.C3. W3, SGG 6,12&13
6 Linear Plantation (Km) Climate, Water Resources and socio-Econimic                   754 C1,C2.C3. W3,S2 SDG 1,2,6,12&13
7 Avenue plantation (Km) Climate, Water Resource  and socio-economic                1,801 C1,C2.C3. W3,S2 SDG 1, 6&13
8 Block Plantation (Community) (Ha) Climate, Water Resource and socio-economic              29,487 C1,C2.C3. W3,S2 SDG 1,6&13
9 Mulching (Community) (Ha (Area in) Socio Economic, Agriculture and Water Resources              17,154 S2,S4 SDG 1, 2&6
10 Fencing (Block Plantation) (Ha) Socio Economic                 6,919 S2 SDG1,2 &6
11 Artificial Recharge Structure (Nos)  Water Resource &Agriculture                4,627 W3 SDG 1,2& 6
12 WC- Irrigation channels - canal  side plantation (Mts) Water Resource, agriculture and Socio-economic           1,57,589 W4,W5,S2 SDG 1,2& 6
13 Agro forestry: Coastal Watershed (CW) (Ha) Climate, Water Resource  and social                1,614 C1,C2.C3. W3,S2, S4, SDG 6,13 &15

1) To create additional carbon sink of
2.5 to 3 billion tones of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030

                                     2) By 2030,programmes will be implemented to achieve the sustainable natural resource management and efficient utilization of natural resources, leading to a reduction in the “ecosystem footprint”

14 Mangrove plantations: CW (Ha) Climate and Socio-economic                   135 C1,C2.C3. W3,S2, SDG 15&13
15 Riverside plantation: CW (Ha) Climate and Socio-economic                8,193 C1,C2.C3. W3,S2, SDG 1& 15
16 Nursery development: CW (Nos) Socio Economic                      12 S2,S4 SDG 1& 15
17 Shelter belts: CW (Ha) Climate and Socio-economic                     16 C1,C2,C3,S2,S4 SDG 1& 15
18 Bund strengthening of Wet lands: CW (Mt) Water Resources and Climate              22,579 C1,C2,W3 SDG 1& 15
19 Bund Plantation wet lands: CW (mt) Water Resources and Climate              10,964 C1,C2 W3 SDG 1& 15
20 Wetland plantation (inner): CW (Ha) Water Resources and Climate                   133 C1,C2, W3  SDG 1,13&15
21 Wetland Inlet  improvement works: CW (Ha) Water Resources and Climate                2,856 C1, W3 SDG 1,13&15
22 Check Wall (Nos) Socio Econimic                      27 C1, W3 SDG 1,6&15 1) To better adapt to climate change by enhancing investments in development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change, particularly coastal areas
23 Fish Dryingyard (Nos) Socio Econimic                      34 S4,S1, SDG1& 14
24 Bird watching tower (Nos) Socio Economic                     14 S2 SDG  1&2
25 Fish processing unit (Nos) Socio Economic                      34 S4,S1 SDG 1& 14
26 Sandune Development (Nos) Socio Economic                      57 S2, S1 SDG 1, 13 &14
27 Deepening of waterbodies (Ha) Water Resources,  Agricuture,&Social              31,316 C1,W3,W4,  W5, S2, S4 SDG 6 &2 1) For better adaptation to climate change by enhancing investments in development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change, particularly agriculture & allied activites
28 Desiltation of waterbodies  (ha) Water Resources, Agriculture and Climate              31,316 C1,W3, W4, W5, S2, S4 SDG 6 &2
29 Waterbody Bund strengthening (Km) Water Resources, Agri and Social                     16 W5, S2,S4 SDG 6 &2
30 Inlet development with silt trap of Waterbodies  (Ha) Water Resources and Agriculture              31,316 W5, S2,S4 SDG 6&2
31 Surplus/waste weir (Nos) Water Resources and Climate                1,147 W5, S2,S4, C1 SDG 6
32 Canal Bund Plantation (Ha) Climate and Water Resources                2,618 W4, C1 SDG 6 &15
33 WC - Irrigation channels - Desilting (Mts) Water Resources &Agriculture         1,57,589 W4,W5 SDG  6& 2
Water Action 2:  Agricultural and allied Sector development ( Productivity Enhancement )
33 Farm Bunding (Ha (Area in) Water Resouces,Agriculture               32,926 A1,A3,W1,W3 SDG  1,2&6 1) For better adaptation to climate change by enhancing investments in development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change, particularly agriculture & allied activites
34 Micro Irrigation (Nos) Water Resources, Agriculture & Climate                 3,081 A1,A3,A5,W5 SDG 1, 2&6
35 Construction of farm ponds (Nos) Water Resources, Agriculture & Climate               10,084 A1,A3,W5,W1, W3 SDG  2& 6
36 Nursery development for Horticulture (Nos) Agriculture &socio economic                      -   A1,A2 SDG  2& 6
37 Mulching for Horticulture Individual  plantation (Ha (Area in) Agriculture and Socio Economic              16,149 S2,S4,A1,A3,A4 SDG  2& 6
38 Land development (Ha (Area in) Agriculture, Water Resources, Socio-Economic & Climate              12,668 W1,W5,A1,A3,S2,S4 SDG   2, 6&13
39 Field terracing (Sq.Km) Agriculture and Water Resources                      -   W1,S4 SDG  2&6
40 Kitchen - Nutri Garden  5 plants per HH (Ha (Area in) Socio Economic and Climate                 9,769 C1,S2,S4 SDG 1,2 &6 1) For better adaptation to climate change by enhancing investments in development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change, particularly agriculture & allied activites
41 Cattle Shelters (Nos) Socio Economic                2,329 S4 SDG 1& 2
42 Goat Sheep Shelters (Nos)) Socio Economic              19,385 S4 SDG 1& 2
43 Fodder development for cattle (Nos) Agriculture and Socio Economic                2,329 A3, S4 SDG 1& 2
44 Azolla  units (Nos) Agriculture and Socio Economic                2,329 A3,A4,S4 SDG 1& 2
45 Cattle Trough (Nos) Water Resources and Socio Economic                2,329 W5,S4 SDG 1& 2
46 Poultry shed (Nos) Socio Economic                5,949 S2,S4 SDG 1& 2
47 Dry land Horticulture/Agro-forestry (Ha) Agriculture, Water Resources, Socio-Economic and climate              16,460 A1,A3,A4,W1,S4,S2,C1 SDG 1& 2
48 Vermi compost in Farm lands (Nos) Agriculture, water and Socio Economic                2,329 A3, W1, S4 SDG 1& 2
Water Action 3:  Rural Water Management
49 Soak pits (Community) (Nos) Water Resources and Socio-Economic                3,895 W3,S2 SDG 1& 6 1) To better adapt to climate change by enhancing investments in development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change, particularly water resources
50 Soak pits (Individual) (Nos) Water and Socio-Economic              38,985 W3,S2 SDG 1& 6
51 Roof rain Water Harvesting (Nos) Water Resources                    858 W3,S1,S3 SDG 1& 6
52 Community Tanka (Rajasthan Model) (Nos) Water Resources and Socio-Economic                       2 S3,W5,W1 SDG 1& 6
53 Drain for Regulating Domestic waste water flow  (Mts) Water Resources &socio eonomic                      -   W6 SDG 1& 6
54 Wastewater drains (Mts) Water Resource                       -   W6 SDG 1& 6
  Total             7,92,654      

Note: SDG 1, Poverty Eradication; SDG 2: Zero Hunger; SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 13: Climate Action, SDG15: Life on Land SDG- Susainable Goal Development